Wow. I have been having such a great day that I felt like I had to share.
So this morning I started with my little routine of going through my stack of Bible verse flashcards. It helps me memorize them. And I was struck at how cohesive and awesome God's word is. I had a card for an Old Testament verse and one for a New Testament verse and they all scream the greatness of the same God, who is the same holy, great, powerful, forgiving God that created the world and has been and always be the one who holds us all together.
And then I felt like I experienced a little miracle. It may sound weird, but here's what happened. This darned poster I have in my room keeps falling down. It's been driving me nuts. And it fell down AGAIN today. And then I got this idea, you know the ones where you can tell the Holy Spirit is saying GUESS WHAT I'VE GOT A GREAT IDEA FOR YOU TODAY! I decided to sit down, pull out my sketchbook, and start writing down my favorite four Bible verses in some nice marker colors. So now I have four medium sized posters with God's word on them all prepared to stay on my wall.
And THEN another random miracle occured to me. I was thumbing through Outcast, the latest warriors book, not really paying it much attention and just trying to absorb the main ideas when one word popped off the page. ALIVE. I blinked and tried to read on. It popped at me again, just ALIVE. Then a Casting Crowns song that I've only heard once or twice started to run through my head.... the word is ALIVE and it cuts like a sword through the darkness something something... now what were those lyrics? I was getting on the computer and decided to look up the song on Youtube. I really felt the truth of that song today. God's word is His living, breathing instrument to speak to His people! Is this not exciting?!
I just felt compelled to share with you guys. I hope this refreshes your heart as much as it did mine. ^^ Here's the song!